Tuesday, July 8, 2008

hello again....i know it has been a while so i will try and update you as much as i can with the time i have left on my computer. lets see...where did i leave off. i've now taught 3 times at cranes school and the kids continue to impress me. i've been teaching them basic theory and piano skills and they've been recieving it really well. they are eager to learn and are excited to have a muzungu (whilte person) in the class room. :) i bought a small keyboard to use for the lessons and they are fascinated by it...it's the first time a lot of them have seen or heard a piano, including the teacher, sarah. i'll be leaving it with them when i leave, can't wait to see their faces when that happens.

i've also been preparing for our business trip to the refugee camps in Gulu. there is a group of 10 of us, each teaching an hour lesson on different business topics. it's a two day seminar so i'm hoping they will get enought out of it as we are hoping. my topic is product pricing and selection, i also volunteered to take on the alternative lesson in case we have time which is on business ethics, management and employees. i'm super excited about my lesson plans, i think they will really be valuable to these people. we have been told that the people we are teaching have been dispaced from their homes due to war, and dangerous situations. they do not have any business skills and we'll be lucky if they can understand our english. we will have translators. we leave on friday, so keep us in your prayers!

we have so much fun at our home in lugazi....we are all exhausted at the end of the day from running around to different projects so as you can imagine....we get pretty goofy. the other volunteers are amzing people. hearts of gold. we all laugh about the hard things we have to deal with here... having to go to the bathroom in what they call a latrine (litterally a hole in the ground that you have to squat down to use), sleeping in a mosquito net that wakes you up every time you move, sweating cus we're on the equator, and the smells!! aaawwww a combination of african B.O. and rotting trash ha!it's hard. but honestly the people we are working with make it all worth it.

My favorite it Dan. He comes to the business trainings and i have a heart for him. he is a woodworking carpenter and runs a skill center here in lugazi. he teaches young men the skills of woodwork and sells things like school benches, doors, cabniets, chests and beds. i've seen his work and it's truly amazing. he has a lot of problems with success though. as soon as his employees learn enough skills they open their own business and become his competitors. there are no written contracts here, the government does not uphold them. they also use his tools when he isn't around for their own projects. so employee trust is a big issue. it's also hard to make a profit because the people here just don't have the money to buy his products...the wood and materials are too expensive to lower his prices. he has big dreams though! he wants to aquire electricity in his shop...there is none now. and eventually buy power tools that he would keep locked up so no one else could use them. with power tools he would be able to work twice as fast and produce twice as much in half the time. he's a smart, humble man that has something that reminds me of my dad, which i'm sure is why i have such a heart for him :) i visit him twice a week to see if there's anything I can help him with and make sure all the business traning we go over is helping. pray for him if you can.

i've also established a relationship with our cook at the house. her name is irene. she's a beautiful lady, sweet and funny. she's been having man troubles the past couple weeks! they are just as difficult here as they are in the states...go figure! i help her prepare dinner when i can and it gives us an opportunity to have girl talk, which i think she really appreciates. pray for her if you can.

so i forgot the cord that hooks my camera up to the computer :( no pictures or videos until I get home. sorry! but trust me it'll be worth the wait...tons of great stuff.

better get going. need to work on lessons plans...love and miss you all!

p.s. i went bungee jumping over the nile river this past weekend...it's ok you can be jealous!

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