Thursday, July 10, 2008

I forgot to tell you in my last blog about the women's group i worked with this week! such a good I work with a local women's group here in nakazede. it's a group of about 12 women who all live in close proximity of each other. they get together and help each other cook, clean and take care of kids...kind of like a glorified sewing group? anyway, they're all really close and they all want to learn english. so we meet with them once a week and have activities, tell stories etc...that will help them learn english words. this week we prepared a story (complete with posters)....about irene, a girl who wanted to make banana pancakes.

and i have to interupt this story for 2 seconds to tell you what just happened outside. i'm in an internet cafe just about 2 blocks from a bank...that just had robbers try and break in. yikes! we heard serveral gun shots and loud voices so trent and jeff (two friends that are with me) went to find out what happened. they told us and said it was better for us to stay inside for a little while. now there are plenty of police around and we are ok but just had to tell you, haha!

ok so irene....we taught them the words for all the ingredients and cooking utensils. and then we made them banana pancakes! they loved 'em. it was a special treat for someone else to cook for them and such a delicious treat. they all wrote down the recipe and told us they would make them for their families. cool huh? alright that's ya'll. talk to you later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steph!!! This is all so beautiful. I love reading about your adventures! I am so happy that you're doing well and making such a difference. I am praying for you. Love you girl!