Friday, June 27, 2008

I only have 7 mins left on my computer so I'm gonna make this one quick. Just wanted to keep you updated... I taught my first music lesson to a class of about 40 kids. I kept it simple and made it about music appreciation and the benefits it can have on us and society, played them a bunch of differnt samples and asked them how it made them feel. They responded really well, can't wait to work with them again this week. I've been invited to go to northern uganda, Gulu to be exact as a small team to teach basic business courses to refugee camps....we will be leaving in 2 weeks, so wish me luck, i'm super excited about it! (thanks to fruition for giving me those basic business skills!) I am in tanzania right now...just got home from a 4 day safari, can't wait to show you pictures. will get back to work on monday. will keep you posted when I can. miss you all. love

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